Thursday, January 28, 2010

Come Talk To Me

I've heard this song many times over the years, but was first introduced to this video by Brad Jersak at a conference the Canopy hosted 6 or 7 years ago. Peter Gabriel originally wrote it for his daughter, but it has since become one of my favorite Worship Songs.

Brad pondered the question as we watched, "Which one is you, which one is God?" I find throughout the song Peter could be singing the part of me, as well as Paula Cole.

The wretched desert takes it's form, the jackal proud and tight
In search of you, I feel my way, though the slowest heaving night
Whatever fear invents, I swear it make no sense
I reach through the border fence
Come down, come talk to me

In the swirling, curling storm of desire unuttered words hold fast
With reptile tongue, the lightning lashes towers built to last
Darkness creeps in like a thief and offers no relief
Why are you shaking like a leaf
Come on, come talk to me

Ah please talk to me
Won't you please talk to me
We can unlock this misery
Come on, come talk to me

I did not come to steal
This all is so unreal
Can't you show me how you feel now
Come on, come talk to me
Come talk to me

The earthly power sucks shadowed milk from sleepy tears undone
From nippled skin as smooth as silk the bugles blown as one
You lie there with your eyes half closed like there's no-one there at all
There's a tension pulling on your face
Come on, come talk to me

Won't you please talk to me
If you'd just talk to me
Unblock this misery
If you'd only talk to me

Don't you ever change your mind
Now your future's so defined
And you act so deaf and blind
(And you act so deaf so blind)
Come on, come talk to me
Come talk to me

I can imagine the moment
Breaking out through the silence
All the things that we both might say
And the heart it will not be denied
'Til we're both on the same damn side
All the barriers blown away

I said please talk to me
Won't you please come talk to me
Just like it used to be
Come on, come talk to me
I did not come to steal
This all is so unreal
Can you show me how you feel now
Come on, come talk to me
Come talk to me

I said please talk to me
If you'd just talk to me
Unblock this misery
If you'd only talk to me

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Liquid Courage

I have been ridiculed many a time for my love of beer. There are quite a few people who've counted me out because of my love for this beautiful creation - yes, I totally agree with Friar Tuck in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves - beer is from God! I LOVE BEER!

The biggest thing I like about beer is the taste. There are so many different beers out there, and there are so many tastes! Tonight, I am indulging in Alexander Kieth's Red Amber Ale (thank you, Colin!) which is different than most dark beers. It has a nice rich flavor, but isn't as think as most Red beer. I think I'll have another, since I'm chatting w. a friend - tho typing is becoming increasingly difficult...

I am really typing this for 2 reasons. 1) to get into the habit of blogging again.

2) The real reason is that I have an AMAZING wife! She, unlike many 'Christians' understands my love of this beautiful drink. When we were at a couples' retreat, we volunteered to be a couple to guess a series of questions about each other - we have been married for 4yrs, which was far behind the next couple's time married (I think it was around 10yrs). When asked, "What is your husband's favorite food?" Jenn answered, "Beer!" Oh, how she knows her man!!!!

It's one thing to love the Malt Drink; but, it's something completely different to be married to someone who understands her husband's enjoyment/plight!
Thank God I have a wife who loves me and understands me! Life, even though I don't really understand it most of the time, is Good!

So Much To Do... Only 4 Days At A Time

So, I was looking over some of the links I have on the side. Only a few of the blogs have been kept up - most don't even exist anymore! Today is Day 1 of 4 days off I have this week, and it's already full of stuff to do! I've gotta clean up some equipment because we're making more wine today! I've got enough kits to make up to 420 bottles! If I can find enough bottles (and space), I may just make them all this year!

Making wine is fun. I have a couple good friends who enjoy it as well, so we make an afternoon or evening out of it. Actually, the making of wine isn't that exciting - most steps take less than 30min of actual work, then it sits... But, knowing what will come, though, is well worth the process! I've made 2 batches so far, and both have been great! In fact, people keep asking me if there's any more of the Peach Zinfandel left - "it's SOOO GOOD!" I'm not a white wine fan, and I don't really like peach flavor, so I'm definitely inclined to give it all away; unfortunately, Jenn really wants to keep some - being pregnant, she's got to wait a while before she can taste it.
I've got a Borolo on the go, and today, we'll probably start a Red Zinfandel and/or Merlot. I may need to borrow a carboy or two from a friend, and get a couple other friends who have equipment to help to start pitching in!

From what it looks like, today is the only day I have to do just stuff. Tomorrow is filled up, Friday may have some spare time in the early part of the day, and Saturday is plumb full!

So, I'm thinking it may actually be a while before I write anything deep. I'm thinking Alex is ready for a bath, and the fish need feeding! 'Til next time...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

How to begin?

I don't really have a planned topic, today. But, I figured I'd give a little bit of a reason why "Ponderings" exists. I started it September '04 as a way to share my thoughts - or probably more accurate, my philosophies - as they play out in my everyday life.
I am often inspired to write by conversations I have with friends and family; by songs I hear on the radio or iPod; by times spent in meditation and Scriptural study; and, by the books I read.

In the days, months, and hopefully years ahead, I hope you enjoy "Ponderings". Please feel free to Comment - relate, retorte, post links, whatever your heart desires. My Blog is here for me to relate to you, and for you to interact however you choose.

Before I close, I want to thank several Bloggers for inspiring me to pick up the pen... er, keyboard... once again!


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I'm Back!

OK, so it's been 2 yrs 5 months and 12 days since my last post. It's taken me almost an hour to figure out how to get back into my Blogger site. And, now I'm tired... But, now that I know my password I will be blogging more! And, maybe to figure out how to get these things on Facebook, as I doubt anyone who used to read will check this at all.

It's good to be back!