Friday, June 24, 2005


Here we are, only a few days into summer, and I've got a snowman!! Actually, it's my friend's snowman - she made it at work a couple of days ago... maybe to usher in summer! In the 26 years I've lived in Canada, I've seen it snow in every month!
I really don't mind because winter is actually my favorite season. Everything is all white, and there's a bit of a bite in the air. Plus, we can all go skiing!

So, here's to snowmen in summer! Thanks, Ali!

Every season is a season for snow in Canada! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Time... again

I can't believe how fast time seems to be flying by. I'm not sure if it's because I've been out of town so much, or that I'm closing on a house in a week, or maybe it's because I'm going on vacation soon... maybe the wedding at the end of summer? There just seems to be so much coming so fast. But, it's manageable. For the most part, I am being proactive; trying not to just react to everything that's happening. I always try to make things happen for me, before they happen to me. That's not always the case, but it's something I try to shoot for.

It seems the philosophizing part of my brain has gone to sleep. Or, more just the part that gets thoughts from my mind to the page coherently. I have these great thoughts about God's Fire, and I've tried to convey the meaning of what I've seen and heard on the page; but, they just don't come out the way they did when I was speaking them through on the weekend. Maybe I just need to verbalize them out loud again....
It's not crazy to talk to yourself. OK, well maybe it is a bit coo-coo; but, almost all of the "Masters" of the past spoke to themselves regularly. I think it helps solidify the thoughts in our heads.

Anyway... babble on everyone!

Thursday, June 16, 2005

What is "right"?

I've been reading an interesting book - an autobiography of one man's ongoing conversation with God. From what I can tell, this guy 'was' what could be referred to as a Fundamentalist Christian; however, in this conversation from God, he gets his noodle shaken quite a bit. I like the book because it's honest, and really causes anyone who reads it to either throw it away as blasphemy, or to truly consider what it is that God is saying when He speaks to us - whether in our hearts, through others, or even from the Scriptures.
I have also been having another interesting conversation on another Blog, regarding the new Star Wars. I definitely have a different opinion than the host, and I hope I've not offended them in my attempt to engage in meaningful debate.
I don't know why, but I very seldom can take things for face value. I guess it's the 'Thinker' in me that causes me to search for meaning in most of what Life brings my way. It's almost automatic now, where a chance occurrence will happen and I'll think something 'profound'. I don't seem to have any more 'chance occurrences'. Why would God do that? Is not the purpose of our lives to seek Him, to become like Him? Isn't that what He's continually calling us to - to experience an ever greater revelation of Love? I tell you, it really gives my, life meaning! :)

This is what my experience has lead me to believe: there is always more to something than what meets the eye. There is always an 'Higher Purpose' to everything - there's no such thing as 'chance'.

So, there are some of my deep thoughts for the day. I hope it inspires!


Thursday, June 09, 2005

Happy Birthday!

Well, today I'm another year older. I'm out of town on work, and thought it would be a bit of a bummer; but, it's not. I've made a couple of good calls already, and had a number of encouraging B-Day messages in my Inbox. I've got to say, Life is good! :)
Today, I was also reminded that it's Michael J. Fox's Birthday today. And, it's Frank's at Budget Rent-A-Car's B-day, too. I found that out a few weeks ago when I rented a car from him.

So, I just wanted to say, Happy Birthday to anyone else who's sharing this celebration of life today! And, to everyone else, Happy Un-birthday!! Let's all enjoy this day!

Friday, June 03, 2005

Winds of change blow furiously

This is a very exciting time in my life. I'm weeks away from closing a deal on owning my first house; weeks away from closing the very first out-of-town edition of the newspaper I work for; and, am very seriously looking at several different investment options that could drastically change my lifestyle. There is also talk of wedding bells in my not so distant future! I can hardly believe it.
I've been feeling the slight breeze from a coming change for a number of months now; but, now the wind is blowing quite hard. I know that the strongest part of the storm hasn't hit yet, and I've got to say that I'm a bit nervous. Have you ever seen the Movie Armageddon (starring Bruce Willis)? It's got one of my favorite lines from Owen Wilson: "I'm like 98% excited and 2% scared... or, maybe it's 2% excited and 98% scared... but, that's what makes this so great!"

If I sit back and ponder all of the unknowns in life, it gets to be quite overwhelming. But, when I think about how the Lord has everything in His hands, and He does Love me, I realize that it's all OK. Even if my worst worries do come to pass, it's not out of His view... His control. The Lord always works everything out for the best - it's His promise, and has been my experience, as well. His peace really does transcend all understanding!

Have a blessed weekend, all!!

J Man