Friday, July 29, 2005

Vikings threaten Canadian sovereignty

I don't know if you've been following the news lately, but Canada could soon find itself at war with the Vikings! That's right! The Danish are trying to lay claims to Canadian land.

You can read our side of the story, here:

Hans Island is Canadian!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Am I going to Heaven?

I've been thinking about the "Freedom" offered by the traditional Christian Church. For the most part, I don't think the Christian religion offers "Freedom" in the sense that I understand it to be - it just offers a bigger cage than normal life. The reason I say this is that I don't believe anyone really understands the True teachings of Jesus - I don't even think Paul (writer of the majority of the Bible's New Testament) totally grasped what Jesus spoke about.
Which brings me to the question of the hour... am I going to Heaven when I die? Are the people I share my beliefs going to Heaven? Are the people who don't share them? Well, according to most in the traditional Christian church - who seem to be the interpreters of the Bible who determine who goes to Heaven or not - I'm safe; however, God's going to be disappointed with me should I head up there now. From what I've heard, He'll look at me and say how disappointed He is in me for what I've done with my life over the last year or so; but, since I believe in His Son, He has to let me in.

I've never been able to grasp the idea of 'disappointing' God, or letting Him down, or making Him angry. He's God. Why should what I do affect Him in any way. That's not to say I think He doesn't care. I believe His One Joy is to reveal Himself to us... to show us how great we can be... to lead us into His Glory. It's been my experience that should we 'miss the mark' with Him, He just offers us the same opportunity time and again, until we get it 'right'. We exist - His design - for the evolution of our souls... for us to attain the greatness of Christ. That's why He gave His Spirit to us. That's why He's continually talking to us in that still, small voice - and, He speaks to everyone! All we have to do is listen.

So, is this attentive ear the key to the Pearly Gates? Who knows?

Monday, July 18, 2005

Right & Wrong

I just finished watching What The Bleep Do We Know, and am a little more pensive than before I watched; however, it didn't inspire me as I thought it would. What this movie really makes me think about is how did this documentary become a big-screen hit?! I mean, it's a good show that should elicit thought; but, I have a hard time seeing how it appeals to such a massive number of people.
Is this a sign of a societal paradigm shift? There are many things occurring in our (Western) society right now that, to me, seem to be signs of such a shift. There seem to be more forerunners - people going beyond the established norms. In the past, the forerunner was a rarity; however, now, it's quite popular to see people stepping out into something new. In this age, where 'the norm' changes so fast, it has almost become socially acceptable to be a forerunner in any number of fields. We are evolving.
I don't really want to write about any particular paradigm shift right now; but, suffice it to say that my life isn't the only one that's changing. We all are. I believe change is good.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Walking on water in the storm

Do you remember the story about Jesus walking on the water out to his friends in the boat, during a storm? I can kind of relate.

Everything in my life is changing - and change is typically described as a stormy time in life. People, whom I haven't seen or spoke to in a while, ask me how things are going, and I tell them what's happening in my life, they're usually quite surprised. My marital status is changing, where I live is changing, my job is changing, and more... it's all happening now.
Yet, I'm not too worried.

Sure, there are times when I get off focus, and begin to feel a bit overwhelmed; but, my main mood is still calm joy. I love my life, which hasn't always been the case. It was only a few years ago when I didn't want to live anymore - but, am I ever glad I stuck around!! And, I believe it has a lot to do with the relationships in my life.
I still, for the most part, feel misunderstood; but, it's something I've gotten used to. The best thing is, I've chosen to let people into my life. I'm no longer living alone. There are a number of people who help live my life with me; and, now there is someone who's going to be there even more than anyone else ever has. There's so much peace and hope knowing that I don't have to have all the answers, all the strength, it all together - I can share the load with my wife, friends and family. Praise God!

Anyone up for a walk on the sea?

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Well, I'm only a day away from leaving on a week+ long vacation with my beloved fiancee - I can hardly wait! We're going to visit my mom who lives on Vancouver Island - one of the most beautiful places in Canada. It's been a year since I've been, and have been looking forward to this visit since I left last year! I love talking w. my mom and her soon-to-be husband, Lee. It's never boring, and I think it could be easy to get lost in thought easily with them - none of us have arrived, and it's wonderful!

Do you know anyone who spurs you to growth almost every time you talk with them? I have a few friends like that, and it's quite exhilarating talking to them. I miss the days when time wasn't so much of an issue, and we'd talk and talk and talk, mutually searching for Truth. And, that's one thing I'm looking forward to this coming week.

Another thing I'm looking forward to is traveling with Jenn. We've never gone anywhere together for more than a couple of days, so this is going to be an exciting new adventure. Driving down the highway to Tofino is a blast, walking on the beaches of the Island's West Coast is quite amazing as well.... especially at sunset (how romantic)!

Life is grand!

Saturday, July 09, 2005


The Voice that I once heard so clearly seems to have vanished. Actually, that's not true. The Voice I can hear, it's the Presence that I no longer feel. He seems to have gone on vacation, or something; and, in the business of life, I neglected to wish Him a good trip. I hope He returns soon.

I came to a realization tonight. I have, over the course of several months, and in my search for Truth, turned God into a projection of myself. And, that is exactly what I was looking for! However, it's a backwards view of Who God is.... He is not a projection of myself, or us, but we are a projection of Him!
It's the backward thinking (God is part of us) that leads us astray, when searching for Truth. I think we do taste the Truth at first, knowing that we are a part of Him, but in our "me first" world, it's so easy to turn it all around. Oh, how I've been swept up in the futility of making my own truth - for, that's what we all try to do. We live in a time of relativism - where absolutes are non-existent.
However, the Absolute still remains. Nothing we do, say, think, or believe changes the Absolute - that's what makes It Absolute, I guess (grins sheepishly).

So, what does that mean if I can't feel His Presence right now? Because God doesn't change.... so, does that mean the change is in me? Of course! Like I said earlier, I have moved from the course of Truth, and began pursuing a truth that is of myself, my own little world again. God help me!
It's crazy how we all think that our personal selves are the be-all and the end-all. No wonder our society, based so much on this independence, is imploding!

Lord, open my ears once again to Your Voice - let me feel Your Presence once more. Lead me back onto the path of Truth.

Monday, July 04, 2005

The day is near!

Well, it's time to spill the beans, publicly. I'm officially engaged, and will be married on Aug. 27, 2005! I'm quite excited about it all, even though planning the wedding & honeymoon, and finding a new place to live are a huge undertaking!
It's interesting how this all unfolded because as recently as 7 or 8 months ago, I was quite happy to be single for the rest of my life. It's amazing what Gifts the Lord will bestow when we enter His Kingdom with free hearts.

Here's a pic of my beautiful fiancee w. her bridesmaids - Jenn is the beauty on the right.

Life is grand, isn't it?!

Friday, July 01, 2005

Canada Day

So, today is a day where we Canadians celebrate the birth of our nation. I've got to say, however, as much as I love this country and all of the freedoms it has, I am quite disappointed in what our Government has done this week. This week, a bill was passed, that I am sure is not supported by the majority of Canadians.
I can't say that I'm angry about this new law - I'm not really the discriminating type - but, I am angry that the minority government we have right now, pushed the bill through parliament without a referendum, without asking Canadians what we want.
Just to give an example of what I mean about Government officials passing what the Canadian public doesn't want, one member of the Liberal (the governing party) Caucus voted in line with what his constituents wanted - he voted on what the people who elected him wanted (isn't that what every politician should do?), which was contrary to "party policy". He lost his job.
A couple of months ago, a woman, who was elected to represent a people with Conservative values, crossed the floor to become a Liberal - totally against what the people who elected her wanted as representation for their area.

Canada has long been thought of as a country of friendly people. A few of our stronger 'partner' nations have used our good nature to try to bully us in the past (WWII, Cuban Missile Crisis); but, now it seems it's our own leadership that is bullying us! Yet, because most people can't see an appropriate alternative, this bullying by our politicians will continue to go on.

So, what will I be celebrating this Canada Day? I will be celebrating the freedom I still enjoy, I will be celebrating the fact that we do live in a Free Enterprise economic system, and I will be celebrating my day off work. I will not, however, be celebrating our current Government.

God, bless this nation, and every other nation on this great planet.