Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, it can be anything that you remember! Don't send a message, just leave a comment. Next, re-post this on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.

Have a good one!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Secret Sunday

On the 3rd Sunday of every month, I have a Secret Sunday. Basically, I invite people over to share the Secret with them.

This Sunday is Secret Sunday. If you've come before, you're invited. If you've been invited before, but haven't made it, you're invited. If you are curious, ask me about it.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Inspiration.... Adventure

Today, I read an article on 40 things a Drunkard should do before he/she dies - I was inspired. Am I a drunkard? Well, most of my Christian friends would think so; so would most of my old high school buddies. But, a True Drunkard would call me a pussy. From a Drunkard's standpoint, my best years are behind me - once I hit 25, I lost most of my stamina (tho at that last party, I got more smashed than I have been in YEARS! Granted, I was dead to the world 'til 9pm the next day; but, we found out that it wasn't a complete hang-over - there was some bad chicken, too).

But, why am I really inspired by following the ways of Drunkards' Dreams? Some of that top 40 was damned exciting!

I have lived a life of relative freedom. I have pretty much always done what I wanted; however, over the last several years, I have been bitten by some dreaded vampire that seems to be sucking the life out of me. Maybe it's compassion because I actually have grown to not want to offend. I used to just be me, and if that pissed some people off, so be it. However, there are some people in my life that I truly like, but are offended by the way I live quite often. So, I tone it down a bit. But, it can cause one to grow dull....

I am now married and expecting my first child. I am quite excited about this. I enjoy being married, and am very much looking forward to being a dad. However, the responsibilities that come with it all mean I've got to make some changes. I can't just go and do something crazy, not really caring what the consequences are. If my crazy deeds are offensive to my wife, I have to live with someone who's POed (perhaps for good reason, perhaps not). If my crazy deeds lead to injury or death, my kid grows up without a dad; and, I miss out on what is likely to be one of the most rewarding times of life.

Things in life change. That's the way it is.
Were things better when I was single, and could go on any (drinking) adventure I wanted? Not necessarily. I got used to knowing how to have fun, then. I just need to find a way to have more fun, now.

To live is the greatest adventure. I do not mourn the past, nor do I dread the future. For the moment, I am a bit bored with life; but, I know it will get better. "Feeling like a Monday, but someday I'll be Saturday Night!"

Monday, February 12, 2007

Too Liberal?

Am I too liberal to be a Christian? I often think so - at least to be the kind of Christian that goes to the churches I've been going to.

When we start talking about the work of Christ, people often think that I am just out to lunch when I say that what He did, He did for everyone, and what He did is done. "Are you saying that everyone is Saved?" is what they ask. Well, if they knew they were, then yes, I'd say that Jesus has paid the Price for everyone. Do they need to do something to earn this salvation - like say a special incantation? I don't think so; however, for people to live the Heavenly life we're meant to live - even here on earth - they do need to awaken to the fact that what's been done is done.

Or, how about homosexuality? There was a time when I'd just say, "the Bible says it's wrong, so it's wrong." Well, I'm not so sure it's that cut and dry. I think my sister-in-law's girlfriend is an awesome person, and would be happy to have her a part of the family; but... (it's just not allowed!)
Does God hate my homo/bisexual friends and family? I don't think so - in fact, to say so I believe would be blasphemy. "He doesn't hate the sinner, just the sin," is the common answer to that. But, what most Christians really mean is that He doesn't hate my sin; but, he does hate their sin. If we didn't really mean that, then we'd be embracing people of different sexual orientation, religion and race with open arms. What's the difference between God redeeming a person hooked on drugs and alcohol (who still stumbles in those areas), and God embracing someone who intimately enjoys the company of the same sex (and loves Jesus)?

We Christians like to think we have the corner on God. If you believe something other than what we do, then you're wrong and going to hell. That's just the way it is - that's what it says in the Bible; my pastor/parent/friend told me so.
Sometimes I'm ashamed to be numbered amongst my brothers and sisters... but, who isn't ashamed of their family at some point in life? We are all family. And I love everyone of us.

Flame shields up!


I want to write something.... but, it's not going to be liked by everyone.... I'm not sure if it's worth the flack.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Freedom and Censorship

Today, I am understanding more, the difference between the liberal and conservative mindset - at least how they think in relation to Canadian politics. See, the liberal mindset wants everyone to feel OK. The Liberal wants censorship expanded so that minority groups (be it race, religion, hair color, or music preference) don't feel like minority groups. However, the conservative mindset seems more democratic - the Conservative says, "Majority rules."

I am stuck in the middle....

I enjoy my freedom. I like to be able to do what I want to do; and, I believe that - for the most part - everyone should be able to do the same. However, there are many times in my life where I am the minority, and I have to be censored somehow. Ideally, I'd like things to be democratic - I am a "Majority rules" kind of guy... but, I hate how limiting it can be.

Why must my freedom be limited by others' lack thereof?

Over the history of this blog, I have had to censor/edit what I've written about 4 times. I think that's a pretty good record, as sometimes I think what I write can be quite controversial. For the most part, I don't really think that what I write gets read; and, if it does, the people who read it are either a bit removed from my life, or understand what I'm about. However, there seems to be a growing number of people reading this blog who just don't get me. Either that, or they search the world looking for offense.
Yes, I do truly believe that. I believe that there are many people who just look to be offended. And, that offends me! Why would I find that offensive? Well, because I can't be me. I always seem to have to censor ideas - it's just too much for people to handle. It seems that for many people once something is said or written, it's absolute, in stone, no changes - that's it. It's just too much work.
And, it's bad enough that I have to censor myself out in public, and with most friends; but, not to be able to speak my mind at home, or my own little piece of the WWW, it's a bit frustrating. Actually, it's very frustrating. I post something a bit controversial, and then get inundated with "that hurt my feelings." I'm going to get flack for this one too.... Why do our heads have to be so far up our asses that we think everything is about ME? Pull it out and have a look around, I'm not the only one here, stuff may actually be written about someone/something else.

Just so you know, this post has been brewing for A LONG TIME. It is not the result of anything recent - it's the result of years of always having to pull punches.
I am not writing this to hurt anyone. The reason I am writing this is to point out that we all need to consider others' feelings. Yes, what I am writing can be taken hurtfully. But, just think how you may feel if you weren't allowed to share your heart most of the time. If you can't vent a bit - even on your own blog - things build up, and you get a bit of an outburst like this post.

I started writing this about a week ago; then, I just wanted to tell people to Fuck off! Grow up! Get a spine! And, complaints still came in - boy am I glad I didn't post then!
Today, I'm a little more relaxed. I still find it frustrating as hell when people automatically take offense to what I say/write. But, today, I'm just saying, "Deal with it."

Friends, please don't be offended by this vent. If you are... vent on your own blog, or send me an email (again), or suck it up and realize that sometimes a guy just needs to get shit off his chest.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Disaster or Transition

So, a friend of mine is leaving. Well, he's not really a friend - I almost barely talk to him anymore - but, he's really good friends with a few friends of mine... and, he's leaving. Some of us saw it coming - he's had a lot to deal with lately, and really shouldn't be handling the burden he has to carry here. I think he needed to move on a while back - it's just that the door is open, now.
My friends who truly love this guy seem to be totally broken. I can understand - one of the very instrumental people who helped them build their house is leaving. I mean, good friends have left before, but nobody as good and as important as this guy. They're going to talk about it on Sunday, but I won't be there - I don't usually hang out with these guys on Sundays, anymore. Some of us had a chat about it all on Wednesday, but we were few - Sunday is when everyone will talk about it.
I wonder how they'll take it. Is it a sinking ship, anyway? I know some people think that. Is this an opportunity for us to do things that were impossible with this fellow around? I'm sure there are some - though sad to see him leave - will be thankful for something new. Has the wind been knocked out of the sails, especially of his close friends? Seems that way. There's a few of us who have a habit of moping for a while when something 'bad' happens.

So, what do I think about this all?

If it isn't apparent, I'm talking about one of our leaders at church. A church that I call home - even if I don't attend on Sundays all the regularly. My friend Nathan has heard the Call to move on - something that has been coming for a long time (I think it was 1st heard by people about 5 years ago). But, just because he's going to lead at another church, doesn't mean that ours is bad. It's true that he leaves a huge void - if the church were a play or band, he'd be the talent (others being the brains and the voice).
He left so that he could mature under another worship leader, something that he hasn't had in his life at our church. And, as he goes to mature, so it's a time for our congregation to mature as well. This will be a tough time for our church, but it will be a great time of growth. I'm actually looking forward to it all.
If I don't attend on Sundays, why would I even be interested in how things progress? Well, like I said, it's still home for me. I hang out with a bunch from this church during the week. I'd probably be more involved if some others and I could coordinate during the week. I love the people who make up the body of the church - we just don't have what my family needs right now.

So, life goes on. Nathan is stepping into the next phase of his life; therefore, so is the Canopy. If Nathan is moving into his destiny, then so is the Canopy. We are a blessed bunch.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


So, about a year and a half ago, I bought our house. It was right at the beginning of the big real estate boom in Edmonton. Yesterday, we had the house appraised. In 17 months, our house value has increased by more than 110% - holy crap!

So, now it's time to pull some of that equity out to take care of any debt w. interest over Prime, and do some renos. We'll probably stick a bunch in some investments, too - now's the perfect time to start building our retirement.