Today, I am understanding more, the difference between the liberal and conservative mindset - at least how they think in relation to Canadian politics. See, the liberal mindset wants everyone to feel OK. The Liberal wants censorship expanded so that minority groups (be it race, religion, hair color, or music
preference) don't feel like minority groups. However, the conservative mindset seems more democratic - the Conservative says, "Majority rules."
I am stuck in the middle....
I enjoy my freedom. I like to be able to do what I want to do; and, I believe that - for the most part - everyone should be able to do the same. However, there are many times in my life where I am the minority, and I have to be censored somehow. Ideally, I'd like things to be democratic - I am a "Majority rules" kind of guy... but, I hate how limiting it can be.
Why must my freedom be limited by others' lack thereof?
Over the history of this blog, I have had to censor/edit what I've written about 4 times. I think that's a pretty good record, as sometimes I think what I write can be quite controversial. For the most part, I don't really think that what I write gets read; and, if it does, the people who read it are either a bit removed from my life, or understand what I'm about. However, there seems to be a growing number of people reading this blog who just don't get me. Either that, or they search the world looking for offense.
Yes, I do truly
believe that. I believe that there are many people who just look to be offended. And, that offends me! Why would I find that offensive? Well, because I can't be me. I always seem to have to censor ideas - it's just too much for people to handle. It seems that for many people once something is said or written, it's absolute, in stone, no changes - that's it. It's just too much work.
And, it's bad enough that I have to censor myself out in public, and with most friends; but, not to be able to speak my mind at home, or my own little piece of the WWW, it's a bit frustrating. Actually, it's very frustrating. I post something a bit controversial, and then get
inundated with "that hurt my feelings." I'm going to get flack for this one too.... Why do our heads have to be so far up our asses that we think everything is about ME? Pull it out and have a look around, I'm not the only one here, stuff may actually be written about someone/something else.
Just so you know, this post has been brewing for A LONG TIME. It is not the result of anything recent - it's the result of years of always having to pull punches.
I am not writing this to hurt anyone. The reason I am writing this is to point out that we all need to consider others' feelings. Yes, what I am writing can be taken hurtfully. But, just think how you may feel if you weren't allowed to share your heart most of the time. If you can't vent a bit - even on your own blog - things build up, and you get a bit of an outburst like this post.
I started writing this about a week ago; then, I just wanted to tell people to Fuck off! Grow up! Get a spine! And, complaints still came in - boy am I glad I didn't post then!
Today, I'm a little more relaxed. I still find it frustrating as hell when people automatically take offense to what I say/write. But, today, I'm just saying, "Deal with it."
Friends, please don't be offended by this vent. If you are... vent on your own blog, or send me an email (again), or suck it up and realize that sometimes a guy just needs to get shit off his chest.